Biden Appoints Jeff Zients as Acting Chief of Staff: The Turnaround Expert Leading the Federal Government's Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic

Jeff Zients is a successful businessman and public servant who has had a rising career in both the private and public sectors. He began his career in the private sector, working as a management consultant at The Boston Consulting Group and then at Corporate Executive Board, where he served as CEO.

In 2009, Zients was appointed by President Obama to serve as the nation's first "Chief Performance Officer," a role in which he led the effort to make government more efficient and effective. He helped to create the "Campaign to Cut Waste," which identified and eliminated billions of dollars in government spending. He also worked to improve customer service and digital services in government agencies.

After leaving the government in 2012, Zients returned to the private sector, serving as CEO of the Cranemere Group and as a senior advisor to the Carlyle Group. In 2014, he was appointed by President Obama to serve as the Director of the National Economic Council, a position he held until 2017.

In 2021, Jeff Zients was appointed as Acting Chief Executive Officer of the United States by President Joe Biden. He served as the Chief of Staff to the President and was responsible for leading the federal government's response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Zients is known for his ability to turn around struggling organizations, and his experience in both the private and public sectors has made him a valuable asset to the government. He has a reputation for being able to work effectively with both Democrats and Republicans, and his expertise in management and performance improvement has helped to make government more efficient and effective.

Overall, Jeff Zients has had a successful and rising career, marked by a series of high-profile appointments and leadership positions in both the private and public sectors. His experience, expertise and ability to work across different sectors have made him a valuable asset to the government. He has demonstrated a strong ability to turn around struggling organizations and improve efficiency, which has been particularly important during the pandemic. He is widely respected for his problem-solving skills and his ability to work effectively with people from different backgrounds and political perspectives.

From Private Sector Success to Public Service: How Jeff Zients' Unique Skillset is Proving Indispensable for President Biden

Jeff Zients has a long-standing relationship with President Joe Biden, dating back to their time together in the Obama Administration. Zients served as the Director of the National Economic Council and as Chief Performance Officer under President Obama, and Biden was the Vice President at that time. Zients and Biden worked closely together during that time, and their relationship is said to be built on trust and mutual respect.

In 2021, President Biden appointed Jeff Zients as the Acting Chief of Staff to the President, which is considered one of the most important and influential positions in the White House. This appointment is a clear indication of the President's trust and confidence in Zients, and it is expected that Zients will play a key role in shaping the Administration's policies and priorities.

As the Acting Chief of Staff, Zients is responsible for managing the day-to-day operations of the White House and coordinating the work of the President's advisors and staff. He is also responsible for leading the federal government's response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

In summary, Jeff Zients and President Joe Biden have a close relationship that dates back to their time together in the Obama Administration. Their relationship is built on trust and mutual respect, and President Biden's appointment of Zients as the Acting Chief of Staff to the President is a clear indication of the President's trust and confidence in Zients. As the Acting Chief of Staff, Zients is expected to play a key role in shaping the Administration's policies and priorities, particularly in leading the federal government's response to the COVID-19 pandemic.