"OMG! The Story Behind the Abbreviation That's Taking Over the World"


The abbreviation OMG, which stands for "Oh My God," is a common phrase used in informal communication, such as text messages, social media posts, and online chats. It is used to express surprise, shock, or amazement and is often used as an exclamation point to emphasize the speaker's strong emotions.

The phrase "Oh My God" has been used for centuries, but the use of OMG as an abbreviation is a relatively recent phenomenon. The first recorded use of OMG in written communication was in a letter sent by Admiral John Arbuthnot Fisher to Winston Churchill in 1917. In the letter, Admiral Fisher used the abbreviation to express his shock at a situation. However, it wasn't until the rise of internet and mobile communication that OMG became widely used.

The use of OMG has become so prevalent that it has been included in the Oxford English Dictionary, which defines it as "used to express surprise, excitement, disbelief, or a similar feeling." The abbreviation is also used in various forms of media, such as television shows and movies, to convey the same emotions.

Despite its widespread use, the abbreviation OMG has also been the subject of controversy. Some argue that it is a casual or informal way of expressing strong emotions, and that it diminishes the gravity of the phrase "Oh My God." Others argue that it is disrespectful to use the abbreviation in reference to a deity, and that it is particularly inappropriate in formal or religious settings.

On the other hand, others argue that the abbreviation OMG is simply a reflection of the way language and communication evolve over time. They point out that phrases like "Oh My God" have been used as exclamations for centuries, and that the abbreviation is simply a natural progression of the way we communicate.

Another point to consider is the cultural differences, in some cultures the use of OMG is not considered disrespectful, but in some others it is seen as a profanity. That's why it's important to be aware of the cultural context when using the abbreviation.

In conclusion, the abbreviation OMG is a widely used phrase that expresses strong emotions such as surprise, shock, or amazement. It has its roots in a phrase that has been used for centuries, but its prevalence as an abbreviation is a relatively recent phenomenon. While it has been the subject of controversy, the use of OMG is a reflection of the way language and communication evolve over time. It's important to be aware of the cultural context when using the abbreviation and to use it with discretion.


The first use of “OMG” as a written abbreviation was in a 1917 letter to Winston Churchill. Admiral Lord Fisher wrote, “I hear that a new order of Knighthood is on the tapis—O.M.G. (Oh! My God!)—Shower it on the Admiralty!!”